It has what you've been looking for...

Madison  •  Sparta  •  Montclair  •  Manasquan

Classes in -  Aikido  •  Karate  •  Tai Chi  •  Qigong

Skills For ALL Ages

Evasion & Escape Skills

• Effective Self Defense Skills

• Safe Falling Skills

& Much More

All classes are relaxed, upbeat & fun

Let's assume...

 …that the average individual is no match, especially strength-wise, against an aggressor. 
...that the average individual prefers non-violent self defense options rather than the commonly known violent responses and escalations and the legal liabilities that can result.
...that most people simply want to have fun learning new skills and meeting new friends.
That's where AIKIDO comes in!

Aikido's proven techniques and strategies are highly effective regardless of size, strength, gender or athletic ability, and used by all levels of law enforcement and security.
Aikido — where good people come together to have fun while learning important self protection skills.

 Madison • Sparta • Montclair • Manasquan

 Locations & Classes

Visitors are welcome to observe any classes anytime!

Starter Special -
only $199!
(a value of $405)
If needed -
Aikido Training Uniform: $80

On-Going Memberships:
(after our 3-Month Starter Special)
with our secure auto-pay
with cash or check

 Membership includes UNLIMITED CLASSES

Family Discounts
After their 3-Month Starter Special
all additional family members receive
a 10% discount

All Memberships include UNLIMITED Classes 

And your Aikido Centers Membership is recognized by Aikido World Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan and welcomed at Aikido dojos across the U.S. and around the world.
Sensible Self Defense
for Everyone
— effective techniques for appropriate ethical response

•  Mindfulness & Daily Calm
• Self Protection and Self Control
• Fun, Interactive Training
• Body, Breath and Brains
• Fun Fitness for the Whole Family

"Aikido Centers is a great and well run organization made of individuals that come together each for their own reasons, but aside from their main motivations, to develop physical and mental sharpness in a healthy environment among like-minded men and women, in a joyful manor. It’s not just about the martial training. Beyond the training are a plethora of opportunities to add to the Aikido experience."
Michael C.
Aikido Centers has kids classes, multiple locations, great facilities and friendly atmosphere. As a person who has been around Aikido and other martial arts for more than 30 years, I can honestly say that Aikido Centers is the pinnacle of martial arts instruction. More than student/teacher relationships for effective self-defense, each and every person is part of a family that insures that your technique is far above and beyond the run-of-the-mill martial arts school. Great care is taken for physical, mental and personal growth." 
John M.
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