
Helpful Reference Videos

Aikido Beginner Reference Videos

Beginners! - Follow along to learn these important wrist stretches that are part of a our typical Aikido warm up and preparation for training.

Basic Warm Up

A typical Aikido pre-practice warm-up led being by Sensei Greg O'Connor.

Basic body movement and how to perform the basic attacks common to Aikido practice.

Aikido basics of Hanmi (stances), Shikko (knee walking), Ikkyo & Rowing Exercises and basic safe falling.

Basic breathing and conscious movement. 
(Note: Although this video is largely being blocked by students, a close listen at those times will still provide helpful guidance.

Aikido's blending exercise called Tai No Henko (body adjustment) common to basic Aikido training.

5th thru 2nd Kyu Reference Videos

Not shown here yet are the more simplified, more efficient and more practical techniques, 
come-alongs and pinning variations that are covered regularly in our classes.

Aikido Breathing Reference Videos

The following video clips were filmed during the shutdown and self-sheltering being adhered to here at Aikido Centers and across the country due to the March, April and May 2020 Covid-19 outbreak. 
(Hence the black t-shirt and white gi pants to represent our Aikido training being turned upside down.)
We hope they are helpful for calming and centering...
Breathing Basics
Aikido Centers Chief Instructor Greg O'Connor Sensei self-videoed these first 3 informal chats in the entrance to our East Hanover dojo at the start of our shutdown for the Corvid-19 crisis in order to offer advice on paying attention to one's body and breath for mindful breathing and relaxation, meditation, daily life and bringing it into our on- and off-the-mat Aikido training as well as to help cope with the Corvid-19 situation.

Interesting & Informative Aikido & AiProtect Promos

Beautiful promo video created by filmmaker Sandy Chase of FluidFilm featuring footage of our chief instructor, Greg O'Connor, demonstrating various aspects of Aikido randori (multiple attack).

Aikido Centers promo video showing the varied benefits of Aikido training.
Start now with 50% Off our 3-Month Starter Special. 

Essential self defense skills for all ages, individuals, groups, agencies or professions. Easy-to learn skills introduced in specific 1-6 hr. workshops.
Careful, safe intros -
Plain clothes, no falling, no fighting, no traditional formalities.
Participants receive AiProtect Certificates of Completion.

A 30 second promo for Aikido Centers - kids, adults at our East Hanover dojo.

A 1 minute promo for Aikido Centers - kids, adults at our East Hanover dojo.

Another 1 minute promo for with American composer Aaron Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" as background music.

A news segment about Aikido Centers filmed at its East Hanover, NJ headquarters dojo.

WMBC TV Interview

A WMBC TV interview with Sensei Greg O'Connor and seniors of Aikido Centers of New Jersey.

Quick FB clip announcing our seminar featuring guest instructor Michele Quaranta, 7th Dan, Switzerland.

Make Time for Yourself and Your Family promo video.
Aikido's approach to mindfulness from start to finish benefits all ages. 

Slo-mo clips of an Aikido randori (multiple attack) by Sandy Chase (FluidFilm) with Aikido Centers chief instructor Greg O'Connor demonstrating along with senior instructors of Aikido Centers taking ukemi (demonstrating Aikido falling skills.

A video by Daniel Lance about the "Aiki Jazz" training that had instructors Michele Quaranta, Greg O'Connor and Daniel Lance alternating and playing off each other.

A 30 second behind-the-scenes glimpse of the filming of the Aikido randori portion of the upcoming documentary "Transcendence" by filmmaker Sandy Chase of FluidFilm.

A reference for Aikido Centers Instructors from an instructor's seminar in 2012 at our East Hanover Dojo.

A glimpse of the first class of the 2006 Grand Opening Seminar for our East Hanover, NJ Dojo.

A Saturday with kids, adults and weapons training at our headquarters dojo in East Hanover, NJ.
6:20 min.

Aikido for Children 

A mom's testimonial for the Children's Aikido programs at Aikido Centers.

A short video about Aikido for Children giving something for Parents to consider.
20 sec.

Aiki-ken, Aiki-jo and Aikido technique reference videos...

Bokken & Jo Training
Reference Videos

Aikido Bokken & Jo Training

The bokken is a hardwood sword used as a substitute for the Japanese sword (katana). Training in bokken (aiki-ken) has many benefits that relate directly to and enhance Aikido training and techniques.

The jo is hardwood 5' staff similiar to a walking staff but with quite a range of use and application. Like the bokken, training in jo (aiki-jo) has many benefits that transfer directly into Aikido training and techniques.

Both bokken and jo training are recommended but are not mandatory.

20 Bokken Suburi
with Greg O'Connor Sensei

These 20 bokken suburi are common suburi used typically in Aikido bokken training. They were organized by Greg O'Connor Sensei to build on the traditional 7 suburi common to Aikido bokken training (aiki-ken) and cover suburi that relate directly to our regular Aikido training.

Note: Variations can be done in a variety of ways including switching feet, switching hanmi, or by stepping into tenshin, tenkan & irimi tenkan.

All can also be done with attention to either omote sankaku or ura sankaku.

Bokken Intensive - 1999
with Greg O'Connor Sensei 

A one-day intensive focusing on bokken basics taught by our chief instructor Greg O'Connor with valuable advice, basic bokken suburi and drills that are still applicable today. 
Conducted and filmed in 1999 at our previous headquarters dojo in Morristown, NJ. 
Private Lessons

Bokken Intensive - 2010
with Greg O'Connor Sensei 

Videos from a one-day bokken intensive taught by our chief instructor Greg O'Connor with valuable advice, basic bokken blending drills and kumitachi
Conducted and filmed in 2010 at our headquarters dojo in East Hanover, NJ.
Private Lessons

Jo Training Reference Videos
with Sensei Greg O'Connor 

Video from a one-day jo intensive taught by our chief instructor Greg O'Connor with valuable advice, basic jo blending drills and kumijo
Conducted and filmed in 2010 at our headquarters dojo in East Hanover, NJ.
Private Lessons

Other Worthwhile Videos

A film by Daniel Lance of our first Aikido International Aikido Friendship Seminar (Ai Seminar) conducted in October of 2010.

A nice review of The Aikido Student Handbook.

A film by Kais Mejri commemorating the Aikido International Aikido Friendship Seminar (Ai Seminar) conducted in Tunis, Tunisia with guest instructors Greg O'Connor and Daniel Lance.

A film by Daniel Lance commemorating the Aikido International Aikido Friendship Seminar (Ai Seminar) conducted in Tunis, Tunisia with guest instructors Greg O'Connor and Daniel Lance.

A film by Daniel Lance commemorating special guest instructor Micheline Vallient Tissier at Aikido Centers along with instructors Greg O'Connor and Daniel Lance.

A quick clip from Yasu Itoh Sensei's class during a seminar at Aikido Centers-East Hanover in December 2011.

Micheline Vallient Tissier's class at the 2015 Ai Seminar at Aikido Centers-East Hanover, NJ.

Daniel Lancer's class at the 2015 Ai Seminar at Aikido Centers-East Hanover, NJ.

Greg O'Connor's class at the 2015 Ai Seminar at Aikido Centers-East Hanover, NJ.

Michele Quaranta's class at the 2015 Ai Seminar at Aikido Centers-East Hanover, NJ.

Greg O'Connor's class at the 2015 Ai Seminar at Aikido Centers-East Hanover, NJ.

Michele Quaranta's class at the 2015 Ai Seminar at Aikido Centers-East Hanover, NJ.

Micheline Vallient Tissier's class at the 2015 Ai Seminar at Aikido Centers-East Hanover, NJ.

A quick clip from Yasu Itoh Sensei's class during a seminar at Aikido Centers-East Hanover in December 2011.

A promo clip for the annual Aikido Retreat hosted by the California Aikido Assoc. with it's Aiki Follies end of camp talent show.

More Coming Soon...

Traditional Iaido Training

Iaido - The art of drawing the Japanese sword (katana). 

Practiced as solo forms for centering, grounding, posture, presence, awareness, focus and power.

From left to right - Takeshi Mitsuzuka Sensei with Greg O'Connor, Greg O'Connor / Mitsuzuks Sensei / Roger Wehrhahn, Iaido Group Photo with Mitsuzuka Sensei, Paul Sylvain, Greg O'Connor, Chiba Sensei with Mitsuzuka Sensei

Iaido Reference Video

Demonstrated by Greg O'Connor
followed by Greg O'Connor's Iaido 3rd Dan test with Takeshi Mitsuzuka Sensei overseeing.

Iaido - The art of drawing the Japanese sword (katana)
Practiced as solo forms for centering, grounding, posture, presence, awareness, focus and power.
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